My Story
Your girl was the least likely to be a Christian author. Yep, there I said it. I wasn’t born in a Christian home, English was never my strong subject, and I was often seen as someone who wouldn’t make it far in life.
BUT God….
I was the van drop-off kid. Often going to church with my brother, a quarter in my pocket for the offering. It was there in that tiny, local church that I experienced the love of Jesus. I credit the men and women of that little church for the BIG faith I have today. They were the foundation of my walk with Jesus. They loved me where I was, never judging me for who I was not.
Fast forward several years, I was married with a baby. Suddenly, the need for me to strengthen my faith and get serious about my relationship with Christ was very real. My son was dependent upon me to get in the word, learn who God was so I could better understand who I was created to be.
This was the seed that God began to cultivate and grow in my heart. Through my walk and the strengthening of my faith, my love grew deeper for Him. It brought peace and joy that was unfathomable. I so desperately wanted and needed those around me to feel that same unconditional love within their hearts as well.
I believe that my mission here on this earth is to come alongside kingdom parents to spur on and encourage them in raising disciples. It’s a hard-knock world we live in, but our God is BIGGER and MIGHTIER than the lies and schemes of the enemy.
This world is dark. The messages our children face on the daily are confusing but we serve a God who makes things very clear for us as Jesus followers. When we cultivate a faith worth not just duplicating but a faith worth prioritizing, nurturing, and growing; our children will have the strength to stand against cultural norms and the attacks of Satan.
We’ve got a high calling, sweet sis. The time is now. Rise up, daughters of Zion. Put on the armor of God. We’ve got kingdom work to do. Let’s create a kingdom culture worth living, on mission, on purpose, to elevate the next generation.